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M8 Alliance Webinar Series on Migrant and Refugee Health "Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Migration"

18 juin 2021 : 15h00 -18h00

Organized by the M8 Alliance
under the leadership of the Sapienza University of Rome

Free but compulsory registration at :

Webinar in cooperation with the Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris (CRESPPA-GTM) and Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) of the University of KwaZulu-Natal

The M8 Alliance Webinar Series on Migrant and Refugee Health, is a new format which aims at bringing together experts from across the M8 Alliance to discuss global, develop innovative and collaborative answers and promote science-based policy advice. Each webinar will last 120 minutes and include different speakers from within the M8 Alliance and beyond.


  • Welcome Address by Luciano Saso, Sapienza University of Rome, Coordinator M8 Alliance Webinar Series on Migrant and Refugee Health.
  • Panel Session chaired by Jane Freedman - CRESPPA-GTM, Université Paris-8 and Tamaryn L Crankshaw - HEARD, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Time to go further : On coaxing SRHR in migration research out of its comfort zone by Chi-Chi Undie – Population Council, Nairobi (10’).
  • The potential of telemedicine to improve access to safe abortion for migrant women and women in humanitarian settings by Margit Endler - Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet (10’).
  • Safe abortion care in humanitarian settings : Problems and potential by Tamara Fetters – IPAS (10’).
  • Transactional sex in forced migration and sexual and reproductive health repercussions ? by Shirin Heidari – Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute Geneva (10’).
  • Discussion
  • Rapporteur, Stephen Matlin, Visiting Professor, Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London, UK


This webinar will examine the ways in which gender inequalities intersect with health insecurities to produce negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes for migrants and refugees and will suggest ways in which migrant’s SRHR can be better addressed at national and international level.
Women have been shown to face particular challenges during migration because of gendered structures of violence and inequality at all stages of their migratory journey and on arrival in host countries. One area which is particularly problematic is that of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). But despite the importance of this area, it remains under-researched in comparison with other health issues in migration. The research that exists suggests that these women face high maternal mortality, unmet need for modern contraceptives, complications following unsafe abortion, and gender-based violence, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Their vulnerability to poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes may be heightened by restrictive migration laws and policies, lack of knowledge on rights in the host country, limited employment or income generating opportunities resulting in poverty and economic insecurity, poor housing and accommodation, and restricted access to health and social services. High levels of domestic violence against these women have also been noted. Further, poor mental health as a result of trauma arising from violence either experienced in the context of the conflict precipitating their flight and/or while on their migration journey may also negatively impact their overall SRH. Transformations in gender norms and relations during migration, and differing gender norms in countries of origin and destination may also pose problems in accessing SRH healthcare. Lastly, the disproportionately negative economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SRH of marginalised populations, including migrants and refugees, has been observed but not systematically explored.
The participants in the webinar will draw on both theoretical and empirical analyses from various regions of the world to address gaps in current knowledge on SRHR in migration, and to provide recommendations for improving migrants and refugees sexual and reproductive health.

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Site principal : Site Pouchet du CNRS, 59 rue Pouchet, 75 017 Paris (3e et 4e étages). Plan d'accès
Site de Nanterre : Université Paris Nanterre, 200 avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex. Bâtiment Henri Lefebvre (ex-bat.D), salle 401. Plan d'accès


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