Director: Florence Hulak and Thomas Brisson (2024) Deputy directors: Celia Bense Ferreira Alves (CSU), Cornelia Möser (GTM), Florence Hulak (LabTop) Created on January 1, 2009, the CRESPPA (Center for Sociological and Political Research in Paris) is the research unit UMR 7217 of the CNRS, of University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis and of University Paris Nanterre. It groups together the CSU (“Urban Societies and Cultures”), the GTM (“Gender, Labor, and Mobility”) and the LabTop (“Political Theories Laboratory”). Since January 1, 2014, a third team has integrated the Cresppa research group (Center for Sociological and Political Research in Paris): indeed, the original teams – CSU (Urban Societies and Cultures) and GTM (Gender, Labor, and Mobility) – have been joined by the LabTop (Political Theories Laboratory). The LabTop team, which currently consists of 20 tenured researchers (8 University Lecturers – 12 Associate Professors), brings renewed balance and solidity to our (…) Read more

À la une


Main site: Site Pouchet du CNRS, 59 rue Pouchet, 75 017 Paris (3e et 4e étages). Plan d'accès
Site of Nanterre: Université Paris Nanterre, 200 avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex. Bâtiment Henri Lefebvre (ex-bat.D), salle 401. Plan d'accès


Presentation of the CSU

Presentation du GTM

Présentation du LabTop

Membres du Cresppa

Alphabetic list

Researchers émérites

Engineers and technicians

PHD and postdoctoral fellows

Doctoral students

CSU Team

GTM Team







Formation doctorale

Thèses en cours au CSU

Thèses en cours au GTM

Thèses en cours au LABTOP


Archives du CSU

Archives du GTM

Archives du LABTOP